Just like their mom-posing
You think the sun might be in someone's eyes?
before church
Posing as she gets ready for VBS
Getting ready for VBS
Gram likes to take their picture before church every Sunday
Does anyone remember VBS when you were little? The pledges, taking up the offering( which I'm still sore about, because I was never chosen to hold a flag or take up the offering, I'll get over it), the round little cookies and kool-aid from the senior citizen ladies? Well, at FBC in Jena where I went to VBS, I remember the "refreshments" were served outside under a tree in the shade. I'm not sure why but they served the kool-aid in a big metal pot and a ladle in these tiny little cups that seemed to be waxy-I think they were actually bathroom cups that someone found for dirt cheap in bulk and decided that would be the perfect thing to serve the young. I also remember that if any one got hurt, that the church secretary would handle the first-aid- now this was before Neosporin so every one that walked through the door would receive a big old "slathering" of Merthiolate( some know it as monkey blood) and a gigantic band-aid that covered the scrape plus about 2/3 of ones body. I remember the games played including, rolling down a hill, potato sack racing, playing in boxes, chase and bobbing for apples. This might sound like it was a bad experience for me, but it wasn't. I can still smell those band-aids. I write all of this to tell you, times have changed people!
These days they still say the pledge to the US flag, the Christian flag and to the Bible and take up the offering. The snacks or "refreshments" have changed quite a bit. They now have an assortment of snacks and goodies and a choice of water bottle or juice box- - -choice? how nice. Oh, and they are served indoors so no one will be hot. Now, for the bruised and battered, the mother is called, seriously?seriously. Games played these days are well thought out and planned by the Lifeway writers and planners. You have to follow the lesson. Rolling down hills and potato sack races are much too dangerous and bobbing for apples- okay that was pretty gross even then!! You would always see little teeth marks (from someone else) floating in the big galvanized bucket.
I know all of this because I now have 2 children in VBS this year. They are loving it. Mady Kate calls it BBS. They are learning so much and love their teachers. The funny thing is they come home fairly clean! I was going to do the music this year, but something came up.... Tuesday night we were eating dinner and John was asking the girls about VBS that day. Lucy, of course, went into every detail and painted a picture of the days events so vividly(and you would know that she was chosen to hold the Bible for the pledge the very first day!). John then turns to Mady Kate and asks , "What was your Bible story about?" she replied, "John the Baptist Church"!!!!! Isn't that great. She almost got it.
I went to the Doctor today and Jack looked great. Wonderful news. I'm really tired of being in the bed/sofa, but I am seeing things in my house are pretty interesting from that vantage point. Happy Father's Day to all of you dads. My daddy is coming this weekend, can't wait to see him.
Does anyone remember VBS when you were little? The pledges, taking up the offering( which I'm still sore about, because I was never chosen to hold a flag or take up the offering, I'll get over it), the round little cookies and kool-aid from the senior citizen ladies? Well, at FBC in Jena where I went to VBS, I remember the "refreshments" were served outside under a tree in the shade. I'm not sure why but they served the kool-aid in a big metal pot and a ladle in these tiny little cups that seemed to be waxy-I think they were actually bathroom cups that someone found for dirt cheap in bulk and decided that would be the perfect thing to serve the young. I also remember that if any one got hurt, that the church secretary would handle the first-aid- now this was before Neosporin so every one that walked through the door would receive a big old "slathering" of Merthiolate( some know it as monkey blood) and a gigantic band-aid that covered the scrape plus about 2/3 of ones body. I remember the games played including, rolling down a hill, potato sack racing, playing in boxes, chase and bobbing for apples. This might sound like it was a bad experience for me, but it wasn't. I can still smell those band-aids. I write all of this to tell you, times have changed people!
These days they still say the pledge to the US flag, the Christian flag and to the Bible and take up the offering. The snacks or "refreshments" have changed quite a bit. They now have an assortment of snacks and goodies and a choice of water bottle or juice box- - -choice? how nice. Oh, and they are served indoors so no one will be hot. Now, for the bruised and battered, the mother is called, seriously?seriously. Games played these days are well thought out and planned by the Lifeway writers and planners. You have to follow the lesson. Rolling down hills and potato sack races are much too dangerous and bobbing for apples- okay that was pretty gross even then!! You would always see little teeth marks (from someone else) floating in the big galvanized bucket.
I know all of this because I now have 2 children in VBS this year. They are loving it. Mady Kate calls it BBS. They are learning so much and love their teachers. The funny thing is they come home fairly clean! I was going to do the music this year, but something came up.... Tuesday night we were eating dinner and John was asking the girls about VBS that day. Lucy, of course, went into every detail and painted a picture of the days events so vividly(and you would know that she was chosen to hold the Bible for the pledge the very first day!). John then turns to Mady Kate and asks , "What was your Bible story about?" she replied, "John the Baptist Church"!!!!! Isn't that great. She almost got it.
I went to the Doctor today and Jack looked great. Wonderful news. I'm really tired of being in the bed/sofa, but I am seeing things in my house are pretty interesting from that vantage point. Happy Father's Day to all of you dads. My daddy is coming this weekend, can't wait to see him.
You made me smile this morning...I remember those days oh so well, too...and I don't think I ever held the Bible or Flag...did y'all file in the church by grade to Onward Christian Soldiers...I can still remember...the youngest in the front and the oldest in the back...you had arrived when you were in the back of the church! of course by then we thought we were too old and were ready to be in the youth group...
glad your appointment went well...we are praying for you and Jack...
Oh Julie, I can remember playing redrover, redrover, send Wendy right over. We would be so sore from trying to keep people from breaking through!!! It was so much fun. We always had cookies and koolaid and on Fridays we brought a sack lunch (in a brown paper bag) for a picnic which was always outside under a huge oak tree. I went back to my little church a few weeks ago to see their last "night" of bible school. (We always had ours during the morning because when we were kids more women were home.) Any way, it was bittersweet. So many things have changed and the greatest of those changes was that my grandmother (my heart) was no longer there. It just was not the same without her being a part of it. Anyway, when you get time, look at daddysgirlzanddaddytoo.blogspot.com
I decided this was a great idea for my family in Arizona and California to see my girls. I am so thankful that you had a good report from the doctor!!!!
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